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BOWL-A-THON Team Rules and Requirements Concept for this Fund-Raiser I. Team Captain: (Print Individual Sponsor form) Each team Captain will be responsible for the following administrative task. 1) Find 3 more
individuals to complete a team of 4 players.
2) Register your team with Diane Simmons (301-631-9491) by January 31, 2004. 3) Distribute sponsor forms to each team member 4) Encourage all team members (including yourself) to actively pursue finding at least 10 other individuals as sponsors (the more the better). Each sponsor will be asked to donate at least 5 cents per pin knocked down by the person they are sponsoring. Sponsors can make a flat donation. (In theory, if a person donates 5
cents per pin knocked down and you knock down a total of 300 pins (100
pins per game), the sponsor will only need to donate $15.00).
This should be used as an example for sponsors who have questions as to
how much they should expect to donate. This is only an estimate.
5) Each captain will be responsible for collecting the donations and turning in the total donation within one week from the completion of the event. Captain should make arrangements with Diane Simmons to turn in the total donation. The sponsor can also have the option to make a flat donation. 6) Captains are asked to turn in all donations, received as flat donations, on the day of the event. II. Your cost (per team member) 1) Each team member will be
required to pay only $16.00 to participate. Your $16.00 will
cover the cost of the games and bowling shoes.
III. Awards 1) Awards will
be presented as follows:
* Each team is allowed only one
award. In the event the same team actually wins two Awards, has
the highest total contributions and the highest total pins, will be
only receive Award “A”. Award “B” will then go to the next
highest number of pins. Award “C” will go to the next highest
number of total pins.
Participation 1) Teams will
consist of four members.
2) Each team will bowl for 2 hours (hopefully 3 games). 3) The cumulative totals of all games for each player will count as the team total. |