Youth Summer League Basketball 2007
Starting - June 16 through Aug. 4, 2007
Location: College Estates Park, Taney Ave., Frederick, Md.
5th - 7th Grades Junior Division  - Boys and Girls
8th - 10th Grades Senior Division - Boys and Girls
Player Name ______________________________ Boy ____Girl_____ Height______ Weight_____
Player's Home Phone:_____________________BCWB Team Last Year___________________
Birthdate____________ Age ________ Current Grade______#Years Played in this League________
School Attending_______________________ Medical Problems?________________________
Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________ Work #________________
Parent / Guardian Address__________________________  T-Shirt Size   XS    S    M    L    XL    XXL
Phone __________________  Email___________________________________________________  
How did you hear about us ____________________________(Radio,Gazette,Fred Post, Friend, TV)
Would you like to Volenteer !!!!
Name of Volunteer:___________________________________________ Phone#_______________
Email address _______________________________________________
Please check those that interest you:
Head Coach:       Junior Division ____   Senior Division ____ Assistant Coach:  Junior Division ___   Senior Division __
Concession:  Assist with sale of  food and beverages. ___     Team Parent:  Provides updates to Head Coach ______
Registration Assistance: Help the league with Email, walk up and Phone Registrations______
Scorekeeper / Timekeeper:  Keeps the books or run the clock at the games._________
      Late Registration Fee:             $45.00/per player   + *$20.00 Fundraiser Buyout     May 6 - May 26, 2007  
*Note:  There is an additional $20.00 Basketball Leauge Fundrasier Buyout Fee due at registration.  Buyout fee is refundable to players whom elect to participate in the League Fundrasier.  $20.00 Refund is based on the sale of 10 or more fundraiser units.                                                      Total Registration fee. = $65.00
Registration Instructions:
1) Fill out form completely and legibly.   
2) Parent/Guardian must sign Medical Release,  Code of Conduct and Parent/Guardian player permission.         
No refunds after May 31, 2007. 
Mail Registration, Checks, or Money order  to:  BCWB,   P. O. Box 3528, Frederick, Md. 21705-3528.   This is an outdoors league with games held on Saturday mid-morning / afternoons.

Medical Release, Agreement to Abide by the Code of Conduct and Parent/Guardian player permission :
I certify that my child is in good physical condition and is fit to participate in Basketball Coaches Without
Boundaries Youth Summer League Basketball;  I have read and understand the BCWB YSL Code of
Conduct for players and spectators:   I agree, abide by, and promote the regulations and principles outlined
in the Code.  Additionally,    I understand that my participation in Basketball Coaches Without Boundaries activities involves risks and dangers of serious and permanent bodily injury.  I, or my parent/guardian, if I am a minor, hereby release, hold harmless, discharge and agree not to sue Basketball Coaches Without Boundaries, its Directors, Officers, Employees, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers, Agents, Sponsors, Advertisers, Owners/Lessors of Premises for any and all liability from my participation in these and any other Basketball Coaches Without Boundaries related travel, lodging, social/recreational activities.
Date: ____________ Parent/Guardian Signature  _________________________

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