BCWB Be Quick But Don't Hurry Speed 

And Agility and Quickness Program
Group Session Starting May 11, 2010 

Location: Whittier Recreation Center and Thomas Johnson Middle Schoo

Frederick, Maryland 

Player Name _________________________________________________________________
Player Home Phone:_______________________________________
Birthdate____________                 Current Grade______                     #Years Played______
School Attending_______________________ Medical Problems?________________________
Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________ Work #________________
Parent / Guardian Address__________________________  T-Shirt Size   XS    S    M    L    XL    XXL
Phone _______________    Email_______________________  Referred By:_____________________

Please Circle one or more

2010 Member of the BCWB Youth Summer Basketball League  

Non-Member of the 2010 BCWB Youth Summer 

Basketball League

Individual Training Group Training (groups of 8 to 12)   Individual Training Group Training (groups of 8 to 12)

1/2 Hour Session 

 $35.00 Per Session

1 Hour Sessions

$25.00 Per Player


1/2 Hour Session 

 $40.00 Per Session

1 Hour Sessions

$30.00 Per Player

5 - Half hours Sessions 


10 - 1 Hour Sessions

$200.00 Per Player


5 - Half hours Sessions 


10 - 1 Hour Sessions

$250.00 Per Player


One-Time Consultation session $50.00 


If you elect to purchase additional sessions, $35.00 of the Consultation fee 

will be used as a credit for 5 Half hour or 10 One hour (group) sessions. 

Individual session preference:  M    T   W   TH    (circle one or more)

Group Sessions: Tuesday's and Thursday's Evenings

Registration Instructions:
1) Fill out form completely & legibly.  Make checks Payable to BCWB & mail to BCWB, SAQ, P. O. Box 3528, Fred. Md 21705
2) Parent/Guardian must read Medical Release,  Code of Conduct and Parent/Guardian player permission.

Medical Release, Agreement to Abide by the Code of Conduct and Parent/Guardian player permission :
I certify that my child is in good physical condition and is fit to participate in  BCWB SAQ Program;  I have read and understand the SAQ website.   I agree, abide by, and promote the regulations and principles outlined.  Additionally,  I understand that my participation in Basketball Coaches Without Boundaries activities involves risks and dangers of serious and permanent bodily injury.  I, or my parent/guardian, if I am a minor, hereby release, hold harmless, discharge and agree not to sue BCWB, its Directors, Officers, Employees, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers, Agents, Sponsors, Advertisers, Owners/Lessors of Premises for any and all liability from my participation. 

Date: ____________            Parent/Guardian Signature  _________________________
